Click on the appropriate link above if you wish to make a complaint in relation to a proposed or operating wind farm. Please note that before making a complaint to the Commissioner, you should attempt to resolve the matter with the other party.
To use this form
The links available above will link to a document which will assist you in providing useful information as part of your complaint. Please fill in all applicable fields and submit the completed form via email to
Note that if you wish to make a complaint as a nominee on behalf of another party, there is a different form available above that should be completed and submitted. If you are making a complaint on behalf of someone else we may need to contact them to confirm the details of the complaint.
Once you have submitted your completed form, an acknowledgement email will be sent to you.
Information Sharing Consent
Before we are able to discuss your complaint with another party, our Office requires your consent to share information with that party. You can provide consent by selecting the box in the form that acknowledges your permission to allow the Commissioner to discuss the complaint and provide your details to the other party or parties to the complaint.
If you have any questions or do not wish for details relating to your complaint to be shared with another party, please contact the Office on 1800 656 395 or via email
Trouble using the form?
If you have trouble completing the form, please contact us or send an email to